We've recently been having instant packets of various grains for lunch. It started with the Ainsley Harriott range of cous cous packets, such as Roasted Vegetable, available from Tesco for 80p. We usually have a little protein with them, such as sardines or a fried egg. Makes a quick, tasty, non-fattening, and healthy lunch.
Lidl do a range as well - various grains. This simple 5 Whole Grains pack is 47p for 220g. They only take a couple of minutes in the microwave (or can be stir fried, which would add some flavour, and give a better texture). Not hugely tasty by itself (not a lot of flavourings, and they taste like damp puffed up microwaved rice, which is essentially what they are) but a satisfying base for a fried egg or sardine. The grains are: 1) wholegrain rice (61%), 2) pearl barley (16%), 3) red quinoa (11%), 4) wild rice (4%), and 5) millet (2%).
Similar to the Ainsley Harriot range they make a quick, low fat, and healthy lunch when used with a flavoursome protein. Unlike the Ainsley Harriott, they are not so good just by themselves, but make a useful base.
Made by Estyria who specialise in grains, pulses and seeds.
Date: April 2021 Score: 5